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Getting to know Exec Staff

The exec staff for The Cinderella Project is a group of three dedicated and determined young women. Despite their busy schedules, they have each put an immense amount of time and love into making The Cinderella Project Conference a success. We think they’re pretty cool, so we thought you should get to know them, too. And what better way to do that then through a rapid fire round of prom-related questions? Introducing: Daneilia Dwyer, Kenna Meyerhoff and Desiree Porter.

3, 2, 1, Go!

1. Who’s your favorite real life or imaginary princess?

Daneilia Dwyer: It’s quite unfortunate, but Mulan is technically not considered a princess nor an empress. BUT, in my head and my heart, Mulan for sure. She’s someone who is strong-willed, determined and has a good heart. To me that is the makings of a successful woman.

Kenna Meyerhoff: My favorite is Rapunzel from the movie Tangled.

Desiree Porter: Princess Tiana because she’s the first black animated princess that I can remember.

2. What do you prefer: long or short dresses?

DD: I’m definitely a girly-girl, so I would say long dresses.

KM: I’m different, I like high-to-low dresses.

DP: Long. It has to be elegant.

3. Are promposals cute or overrated?

DD: I think that’s hard. I would say cute when tactfully done and when with the right person.

KM: Cute! My boyfriend came to pick me up on Easter Sunday. He’s always late and it makes me so mad. So, I’m already mad at him because he showed up late purposefully. He was like, ‘Oh, could you just shut my trunk. It popped open.’ I was like ‘Are you serious right now??’ I finally went and opened it and there was a poster inside that said ‘Will you go to Prom with me?’ with flowers. It was cute even though he made me really mad.

DP: They’re cute, they’re definitely cute.

4. Slow dancing or upbeat dancing?

DD: Clearly the slow dance. When you go to prom you can definitely dance upbeat dateless, so then why else do you have a date but to slow dance with? C’mon.

KM: Upbeat dancing because it’s fun. You can do a lot of different things with it.

DP: You know, I like them both. But, I guess I like slow dancing more.

5. What’s your favorite memory from your own prom?

DD: My favorite memory was definitely the wow factor of seeing all my friends dressed up and them seeing me. The best part is definitely seeing everyone in a whole different dimension.

KM: I had a good prom. My favorite memory was--well, my boyfriend doesn’t like to dance--so he got on the floor with me and a bunch of my friends. We were all just dancing together and it was a ton of fun. I have a picture of all of us in the moment, dancing. It was great.

DP: Just that I went because I didn’t think that I was going to go. It really was a Cinderella story because my mom woke me up that morning and she was like, ‘You’re not missing your prom.’ We literally got everything together in the next eight hours and pulled it off.

Daneilia, Kenna and Desiree each have their individual tastes when it comes to the perfect prom experience. However, they can all agree that one of the best feelings is helping other young women's prom dreams come true. Now you know a little bit more about our three leaders. Stay tuned for our next post right before our conference this Saturday!

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